June 2020 Photographic Competition

Competition closed on 30th June

Hover over any of the images to see the title. Click to see a larger version, then use the controls to step though the images, or start a slideshow.

Neighbours In The Pink Inflatable Horse Race With a Rainbow A stepping stone in my garden Exercising social distancing Loneliness of self isolation My Back Garden Broom In the Woods Draagonfly - Broad band Chaser Growing my own with the help of Rosie the scarecrow Lockdown opened my eyes to the beauty of something as simple as a wall! Time spent reflecting on nature These boots were made for gardening In a dark time the eye begins to see Sanctuary Flowers die as time goes by My garden on a sunny May evening in lockdown ‘Hello and Goodbye’ virtual lockdown hugs at the conservatory door The serenity corner of my lockdown garden Wild Garlic Goatfell, Isle of Arran Viral Rose Bleeding Hearts The Enemy What interesting things will my life bring? Swan on the Kent Social distancing.....inspired by Wordsworth? Beyond Lockdown My Kendal 'Backyard' The only visitors we get these days Self isolation

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